Saturday, July 19, 2008

rebellion in teenagers

Rebellion in Teenagers

Adolescence is a time when many young people test limits — and parents’ patience.
The scientists will say that hormonal changes are responsible for some of the rebellious attitude of teenagers. I do not disagree, but how do you handle this period (of rebellion) without shifting the posts of discipline and acceptable moral standard?.

My teenager has a savings account; opened by me and operated on her behalf. When she received her allowance I asked, what proportion of this pocket money would be available for savings (albeit against a rainy day). You will be surprised at the explosion that resulted from this innocent request!

Have you observed that rebellious behaviour varies according to the sex of the teenager?

Rebellious attitude of Boys:
Teenage boys would rather express anger and react violently in most cases to parental discipline or what they consider to be unwarranted high handedness. They often go for drinking/smoking binges or street rampages. Sometimes they gang up with friends to get into real trouble with the law!

Handling rebellion in boys requires a lot more than tough talking. You have to sit the young guy down to serious heart to heart (preferably by the parent who is softer or a person whom the teenager really respects his opinion, like a favorite uncle or teacher) doesn’t necessarily have to be the mother. He needs to know that for every action, there is a reaction. All sorts of behavior have their consequences. For instance, if a teenage boy should indulge in unprotected sexual activity; he needs to know that, he can become a father before he is ready! and worse, he could get infected! Sometimes a parent may need to turn a blind eye when a son has to be remanded in corrective custody by the law or really gets stoned from a party and is having a head breaking hangover!!

Rebellion in girls:
Girls are milder in their form of rebellion. Their greatest worry is physical beauty. Usually, they will dress up and your corrective attempts gets you labeled as outdated! Sometimes you have to fight over the right type of male friends to keep and invite home. A lot of times you fight over your style of doing things, including your method of cooking some types of food!
You can also be really disappointed when your teenager’s rebellion leads to her geting pregnant! Oh boy! Can you beat the hurt a parent can feel. Where did I go wrong? you will ask yourself.

Respect is a key word in dealing with this period of a teenagers life.
It is absolutely difficult for a parent using ‘hindsight’ not to envisage where a particular action may lead. The problem is how do you communicate your fears to your teenager?
If you’re dealing with a rebellious teen, it is possible to demonstrate love, reason and cooperation — and to rebuild mutual trust and respect by ensuring that your communication line is kept open. You must also learn to wait patiently for the consequences of their action. Learn not to interfere. It is also important to pray along with your teenager at this crucial period of their lives! There is a lot to gain and so much more to lose.
How did you handle your rebellious teenager? Share your views.

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