Sunday, March 7, 2010

Having a heart as a teenager

Do teenagers have a heart?

This is a big question? Many a time, they appear to be heartless in their dealings with each other.

A lot of times they behave as if the world starts and stops with them. The way they talk to each other, the way they are sometimes selfish in their thinking..

I sometimes watch my teenager handling people of the opposite sex. A female teenager already feels that the sun sets with her! At this period, the male adulation can go to a girl's head if not carefully handled.

My Challenge now is to channel the feelings that are yet uncertain to the right path without stifling while appearing not to meddle in the affairs of the heart that are going on. Quite a challenge you will say.

If you have similar challenges and have successfully solved them. let's exchange views! send a mail to

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Peer Pressure

On the last day of writing final papers of my teenagers high school exams, temptations came calling! She went partying with friends!!

Peer Pressure on a teenager can be either positive or negative.

The positive pressure should be encouraged while the negative pressure must be discouraged and totally prevented.

The positive pressure occurs when your teenager is attracted to the right set of crowd. This means, the teenagers group of friends are those that have focus and are right thinking.
How do you get these set of youngsters? Chemistry say's 'like mind attract'. Encourage your teenager to attend church or religious group meetings that encourage focus and ensures that he/she is always with a positively minded group.

Do not discourage his/her friends from visiting!
Knowing the type of friends your teenager associates with helps you to understand the kind of pressure he/she may be subjected to.

This last term of high school has been the most challenging. The sense of belonging that can be obtained from joining friends to participate in such things as Sexual escapades, Illegal Partying, Drugs and Alcholol imbibing, Carrying Firearms and Knives, Wearing Fashionable (sometimes exposing and hip styled) Dresses. The list of bad habits can be endless!

I have been forced as a result of these various types of pressures to discuss issues I would ordinarily consider 'not for teenage ears!' This ensures that I can pass a positive opinion and in a conducive atmosphere ensure that the opinion is well received and will help my teenager to withstand unnecessary pressure.

Metting out punishment can sometimes help to bring your teenager back to track, but most of the time puts their back up!! My teenager tells me 'you should be able to know what I can do! how long will it take you to understand me? As if I don't!! She believes I must take sides with her even when I know she's only partially right and never criticize. Hmm.

Most of the time I shout right back, that, with experience, she will get to know that parents are most likely always right!
Realistically, when I calm down, I relate experiences of other's who have fallen victim of similar circumstances and their results (sometimes unpleasant or fatal). This has helped to bring my teenager back to line. I especially use examples that are close to home.

Punishments like stopping allowances and grounding the teenager may help in specific cases but should not be overused as this can create other problems. It can cause boredom and encourage your teenage to pilfer or device alternative ways of funding!! For teenage girls, getting alternative funding can lead to a host of other problems; dating older men, prostitution, stealing.

Alternative help can be obtained from influential people around the teenager. In this instance, they could be favorite uncles and aunties whose opinion have always been important to your teenager. They could even be parents of their friends with whom you have been associating and have similar parenting values and opinions.

Let me know how you've been handling peer pressure in your teenager's life!! We must stick together and make the world a better place through our wonderful teens!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Choosing a College. Home or Abroad?

What choices do you have when sending your child to college? Should he/she stay within reach or should your teenager go to school abroad?

In my discussion with my teenager, I discovered that she wants to stay within the country in order to be close to her friends. I have therefore to consider the environment of the new college I will choose for her. Will it be easy to make new friends in the college? Will it be costly to keep in touch with old friends if I make her study abroad? I have to make her realise that life must go on; if you want to make something of yourself in life, staying close to old friends can be a drag!

The choice of university or college depends on the course of study which interests your teenager. I have had a great time discovering what choices are available in various countries. I tried to focus my search on the cheap or free courses in order to reduce cost. I discovered that in some countries where free university is available, the language of the state is the language with which courses are taught; this means that your teenager will also have to learn a new language in order to blend in such an environment.

For instance in University of Brussels; Dutch and French are the languages mostly used. You are only taught in other languages when the choice of course is based on those languages e.g English.
Your choice of University should first be based on your the course. If you would like to study Languages for instance; choose any university that offers English as a course. You can be sure you will feel at home.

If your course is Accounting however, you cannot choose Boston University for instance without a knowledge of Dutch or French. You would likely not feel at home.

In choosing a career or college for your teenager, ensure that he/she is involved in taking the decisions. Especially if you have to send your teenager abroad, he may have to contribute by working part-time or at least living economically. It is important to ensure that your teenager understands these issues and be ready to make necessary sacrifices. We can only guide, we cannot live their lives for them!!

In carrying out my research I discovered a lot of information which I have compiled. For information on these or on a particular course or college that interests your teenager; you can send an email or visit for useful information on guiding your teenager in a choice of college.

You have to remember that in making a choice for your teenager his input is very important; that is if you choose a course or college that is not in his field of interest, this may result in conflict and eventually; failure.

Goodluck in your search!!

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Monday, August 25, 2008

teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy

I read in an article that a group of teenagers made a pact to get pregrant and train the children together! Oh God!

Imagine such a bizarre agreement. What do these babies know about making babies?

What do they know about staying up late to breastfeed and taking care of an infant (normal infant) What do they know that can go wrong when an infant is sick? What financial care do they know is involved in taking care of babies. The question goes on and on..

How do you handle a pregnant teenage daughter?

Before the pregrancy

A parent owes a duty to educate a teenager especially girls of the how and wherefore’s of getting pregnant. In our sex education talks, we should not skirt around the topic. (my mum told me that I should not allow ‘boys’ to ‘touch’ me)! I have since discovered that touch is a mere tip of the iceberg.

In our discussions with teenage girls, we should be discreet. While respecting that they will make individual choices, we need to let our teenage girls know that sexual contact with the opposite sex can and will most likely (if contact is repeated) result in pregnancy. Educate them about preventive measures to take, if they decide to have sexual contacts with the opposite sex.

After the pregnancy

The deed is done. No need crying over spilt milk!

Once you discover that your teenager is pregnant. I advise the following steps:

Visit a health practitioner, preferably a gynaecologist.

Know the stage of the pregnancy. Educate the child and yourself on the latest precautions and steps to take to a successful pregnancy. Determine the state of health of the mother (your teenage daughter) and foetus.

Determine the paternity of the baby’s father.

Communicate with your pregnant teenager about her choices: keep the baby, give the baby over, marry the father, etc

Discuss with the father (if known) the role he wishes to play in the life of his baby

Give support psychologically to your teenager.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

rebellion in teenagers

Rebellion in Teenagers

Adolescence is a time when many young people test limits — and parents’ patience.
The scientists will say that hormonal changes are responsible for some of the rebellious attitude of teenagers. I do not disagree, but how do you handle this period (of rebellion) without shifting the posts of discipline and acceptable moral standard?.

My teenager has a savings account; opened by me and operated on her behalf. When she received her allowance I asked, what proportion of this pocket money would be available for savings (albeit against a rainy day). You will be surprised at the explosion that resulted from this innocent request!

Have you observed that rebellious behaviour varies according to the sex of the teenager?

Rebellious attitude of Boys:
Teenage boys would rather express anger and react violently in most cases to parental discipline or what they consider to be unwarranted high handedness. They often go for drinking/smoking binges or street rampages. Sometimes they gang up with friends to get into real trouble with the law!

Handling rebellion in boys requires a lot more than tough talking. You have to sit the young guy down to serious heart to heart (preferably by the parent who is softer or a person whom the teenager really respects his opinion, like a favorite uncle or teacher) doesn’t necessarily have to be the mother. He needs to know that for every action, there is a reaction. All sorts of behavior have their consequences. For instance, if a teenage boy should indulge in unprotected sexual activity; he needs to know that, he can become a father before he is ready! and worse, he could get infected! Sometimes a parent may need to turn a blind eye when a son has to be remanded in corrective custody by the law or really gets stoned from a party and is having a head breaking hangover!!

Rebellion in girls:
Girls are milder in their form of rebellion. Their greatest worry is physical beauty. Usually, they will dress up and your corrective attempts gets you labeled as outdated! Sometimes you have to fight over the right type of male friends to keep and invite home. A lot of times you fight over your style of doing things, including your method of cooking some types of food!
You can also be really disappointed when your teenager’s rebellion leads to her geting pregnant! Oh boy! Can you beat the hurt a parent can feel. Where did I go wrong? you will ask yourself.

Respect is a key word in dealing with this period of a teenagers life.
It is absolutely difficult for a parent using ‘hindsight’ not to envisage where a particular action may lead. The problem is how do you communicate your fears to your teenager?
If you’re dealing with a rebellious teen, it is possible to demonstrate love, reason and cooperation — and to rebuild mutual trust and respect by ensuring that your communication line is kept open. You must also learn to wait patiently for the consequences of their action. Learn not to interfere. It is also important to pray along with your teenager at this crucial period of their lives! There is a lot to gain and so much more to lose.
How did you handle your rebellious teenager? Share your views.